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Mastering the art of supporting Ibiza’s artistic community7th March 2022

Painting in nature

In 2022, Charles Marlow Ibiza will be increasing our support for Ibiza’s artistic community as our way of giving back to a place and people that are sharing so much with us.

We have done this in Deià, Mallorca, where Charles Marlow began, since we very first opened our doors in the village.

For example, we’ve always had work by local artists we love in our offices. We’ve also introduced people who have bought homes in the village to local artists whose work has helped bring these homes to life and connect them to Deià.

Over the years, we’ve come to understand the extent to which the artists of Deià have helped shape the spirit, idea, and reality of the village.

Art has become a gateway into finding meaning for Charles Marlow as a whole and a purpose that feels good and right.

These artists channel the extraordinary power of the landscape on Mallorca’s West Coast and reflect it back.

For my brother Patrick and I, supporting Deià’s artistic community has been a way of giving back. But, more recently, art has become a gateway into finding meaning for Charles Marlow as whole and a purpose that feels good and right.

We are excited about helping Ibiza’s artistic community for exactly the same reasons.

Right now, we would be the first people to acknowledge that we don’t know as much about Ibiza’s artistic community as we would like. We’re looking forward to finding out more.

But we are perfectly positioned to enable Ibiza’s artistic community to connect with people who are keen to invest in their work but perhaps sometimes don’t know how to go about it.

We want to display more work by Ibiza artists in our offices. We would love to be able to recommend artists to the people who buy homes on the island through us. Wherever we can, we would be happy to introduce artists to the owners of the homes we rent on their behalf.

To be able to do this, we need to know more about Ibiza’s artistic community.

Helping to bring Ibiza’s artistic community together

We will begin our work in 2022 soon, by organising a gathering of as many artists as possible somewhere central in Ibiza Town.

The purpose will be for us to get to know who you are and how we can help you best. We also need to see whether our ideas make sense to you.

And we’re hoping it will be fun.

We’re not sure yet when this will be so, as they say, watch this space.

View of Can Salada Ibiza
Inspiring Can Salada Ibiza


Art opening a window into meaning

We believe that for art to be good, it must have meaning. For us, the Ibiza art we love and want to support must somehow amplify and reflect the energy that comes from the white island itself. The energy felt by anyone who comes here and falls in love with Ibiza.

Our feeling is that this leads inevitably to a desire to protect and nurture the landscape, environment and community. Supporting Ibiza’s artists is and will be our springboard into other projects that have a broader impact on the island.

We don’t know precisely what these will be yet, but they will focus on protecting and preserving the fabric and materiality of Ibiza however we can.

It feels good to write this.

If you are part of Ibiza’s artistic community, do get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

The Dive by Ibiza artist Helen Sadler

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